Who or what are you putting first?

Life seems to get busier the older we get. We have so much to do and so little time, often finding ourselves having to put some things off for tomorrow. We wrestle with many genuine concerns each day and often neglect time for thinking of spiritual things. T...

Book, Chapter, and Verse

Very often practices are justified by “Scripture does not condemn it” or even “There is no book, chapter, and verse for having book, chapter, and verse.” ...

Don’t just tell me

Many people will speak about religion, they will say what people should do and how they need to behave, but they, themselves, don’t live the same way. It is easy to talk about religion but not as easy to live it. If you want me to listen to your words, back ...

Making Choices
JUNE 2014

Every day we make choices, whether to get up or stay in bed, what shirt to wear and what to have for breakfast. We make these choices all the time and most times it doesn’t take too much time, well some ladies take a while to choose which clothes to wear, bu...

The Quick Fix
February 2014

We live in a time where everything is to be done at high speed. We are extremely time conscious and this is demonstrated in the very common commodity - instant coffee. We like instant coffee because we don’t want to wait for the beans to be ground up, then s...

Life After Death
January 2014

The good friend of Jesus, Lazarus, was very ill and his sisters sent a message to Jesus to come to him, so that he could get healed. Jesus stayed where he was for another couple of days before going down to Bethany. The disciples tried to dissuade Jesus from...

Answered Prayers?
March 2013

People are asking God for many things every minute of every day. They ask for help with problems, they ask for guidance, they want a friend or family member to be healed from some ailment or they want to thank God for blessings received...

Body Parts
Article for November 2012

If you read 1 Corinthians 12 you will see how Paul writes about the Church being a body and how the various parts work together. I would like to look at these parts from a different angle. 1 Cor 12:13.... For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body...

Article for October 2012

No boss wants to pay his workers if they do not work, if they do not even arrive at the work place. This is obvious and understandable. Just think for a moment, would get paid for the ‘work’ you do for God? If you consider going to Church, working for God...

Article for September 2012

We all are ‘looking’ for opportunities in our lives, we looking for work prospects, for love opportunities, for religious opportunities. Many of us are disappointed because we don’t feel that we have many that come our way. I do not think that is so, I think...

On your side
Article for August 2012

Many people believe that God is AGAINST us while Satan is on our side. They think that because God puts restrictions on us while Satan wants us to do whatever we want. Their thinking is that this makes God against us with Satan for us...

In Rememberance
Article for July 2012

In every country, in virtually every city there are statues, plaques, building and bridges which are build ‘in remembrance’ of some person who was important to that country. In every graveyard there headstones with names and dates on, put there by the deceas...

The Power of giving
Article for June 2012

here are many people who are less fortunate than what we are. We get asked for money every day. There are not many traffic lights which do not have their usual cast of people asking for money. This creates a hardness of the heart, a callousness which prevent...

It is much easier
Article for May 2012

It is much easier to - Be conformed than to be transformed. It is much easier to – Stay home than to go to Church. It is much easier to – Watch TV than to study Gods word. It is much easier to – Neglect your prayers, than to make them. It is much easier to –...

Don't talk to strangers
Article for April 2012

In this modern day and age we are well aware that children must not talk to strangers. This is a sad occurrence, but one that is easily understood. We give this instruction to our children so that they will not be abused, kidnapped or molested in some way...

Personal Interests
Article for March 2012

People have been putting their own interests ahead of God’s since the world was created. Starting with Adam and Eve and their son Cain, right through to today. How have people been doing this? Adam and Eve did not want to obey God, they wanted to be ‘wise...

I am a nobody
Article for January 2012

Many times people get to thinking that they do not have any real worth, that they are a ‘no-body’. They look back over their life and battle to see anything that is, in their eyes, worth anything. We base our assessment on what the media tells us makes a suc...

Do you know what you are reading?
Article for December 2011

There was an Ethiopian eunuch who was travelling back to his homeland after being in Jerusalem, and he was reading from the Scriptures. Philip, the evangelist asked the Ethiopian eunuch the question, ‘Do you know what you are reading?’ To which the eun...

Deposit a lot of happiness
Article for November 2011

A 92 year old, well poised and proud man who is up and fully dressed by eight every morning, with his hair fashionable coifed and shaved perfectly, even though legally blind, arrived at the nursing home today. His wife of 70 years recently passed away, makin...

Judging a book by its cover
Article for October 2011

We are all familiar with the expression to ‘judge a book by its cover’ and are familiar with its meaning. We understand that you cannot judge a book by what it looks like; you need to ‘read’ the book to make an accurate assessment of the book. This translate...

The common man
Article for September 2011

Many times people feel that they are not ‘worthy’ to do Gods work. They feel that they are not qualified to teach, they feel that they will be ignored and ridiculed. They compare themselves to the so-called ‘great’ preachers of this world and think that they...

Who would You like to meet?
Article for August 2011

Many celebrities come to South Africa to meet Nelson Mandela. Why do they do this? They do it because they hold him in high regard, they respect him and want the honour of shaking his hand. Who would you like to meet? Would it be someone like Brat Pitt, or L...

I don't understand
Article for July 2011

People do not like to be seen as being ignorant. We like to think we ‘know it all’, that we are intelligent, and that we have some standing. We find it mildly embarrassing to be thought of as ignorant, we do not like to say the words...

Bad Company
Article for June 2011

This is a verse of Scripture that most of us are very familiar with. Some of us have heard this since we were young children, so much so that we do not really appreciate the importance of it! Did you notice what the verse said? It says that mixing with pe...

Bacon and Eggs
Article for May 2011

Sometimes when talking to people about being committed to being a Christian, they believe that they are because they may attend a service or two during the year! That is not commitment, it is a religion of convenience. If you look at bacon and eggs, the t...

Article for April 2011

Can you imagine a society without authority? It would be anarchy. Society needs laws and people to enforce those laws (policemen). Policemen do not make the laws, only enforce them. In the home parents establish the laws which are to govern that household to...

As A Man thinks
Article for March 2011

What we think about is what we are, we may hide the truth from others but our minds reflect who we are inside. We ‘judge’ each other by what another ‘says’ or ‘does’, it is the only thing we can make a judgement on, because we do NOT see into another’s mi...

A Good Job
Article for February 2011

If we ‘walk’ as Jesus did then we will get praise from God. God wants obedient people not ‘good’ people. Once again, we do not intend to ‘run’ your life for you. The choices are yours to make, but you need to know all of the facts to make a good decisio...

A Love letter
Article for January 2011

read a letter from a fellow Christian and thought I would like to share it with you. It is so moving and true that I believe we all could benefit from reading it frequently. I will not share the whole letter with but just a short extract. It will be a li...

A Dangerous Spark
Article for November 2010

Fire has been man’s friend for many years, it has kept him warm in the cold of night. It has cooked his meals and given him light, it’s given some comfort in its flickering flame and kept dangerous animals at bay. It has also burned down his house and the cr...

A Warning
Article for October 2010

Smoke billowing out of the toaster means that the toast is burnt! If you are like me, then that just irritates you. Now your toast is burnt and you have to make a new slice of toast! Just think about this situation for a moment. The smoke billowing out of ...

The Good tongue
Article for September 2010

We have often heard about how bad the tongue can be, that it tells lies, that it uses bad language, it spreads gossip, it can say hurtful things, but seldom do we hear about the GOOD that it can do! Yes, the tongue can be used for bad things, but just as ea...

The Cure
Article for August 2010

Many diseases have plagued mankind over the centuries. Diseases like leprosy, smallpox, chickenpox, Yellow Fever, Bubonic plague, HIV AIDS. These diseases have killed thousands over the years, decimating communities and causing untold misery and suffering an...

Article for July 2010

As soon as one starts talking about giving, people’s eyes glaze over and you can almost hear them thinking, ‘Not again!’ The reason for this is that most times, the preacher, the charity, the celebrity, the school, the friend from next door is asking for som...

Prayer - Forgotten How?
Article for June 2010

Prayer has been taken out of schools and out of Parliament – and out of a LOT of hearts! In the main, prayer has fallen into disuse –unless someone is in serious trouble! Many people feel that they do not know how to pray. Is there a magic formula to make p...

Article for May 2010

How many of us have made this speech? How many of us would love to suck back the words which have been carelessly been uttered? ALL of us. We all have felt the ANGER, we have felt wronged and so have vented as others whether they deserved it or not. Is this ...

I am Thankful
Article for April 2010

I am sure that you have heard someone complain about the ‘world we live in’. Yes, there is a lot bad with the world, but there are also things which we should be grateful for. Sometimes the thing which we are complaining about is the very thing we should be ...

The power of giving
Article for March 2010

There are many people who are less fortunate than what we are. We get asked for money every day. There are not many traffic lights which do not have their usual cast of people asking for money. This creates a hardness of the heart, a callousness which preven...

Article for February 2010

We all know the ‘law’ of cause and effect. That for everything we do there is a reaction or a consequence to it. We do not live in a vacuum thus everything, no matter how small; will affect, someone, somehow. Do you remember how Joseph’s brothers sold him...

Strength of Character
Article for January 2010

Many of us would like to think that we are ‘strong of character’, but do we really have strength of character? If we consider what the early Christians suffered through for their belief and their faith I wonder how many of us would be able to withstand that ...